Thursday, September 23, 2010

New Vehicle Rumor: Akira Motorcycle!

I'm not the only one to discover this bug (or easter egg), but if you go to the level editor, select the character and manually type "5" in the input field to the right of "default character:", you will see the motorcycle from Akira! Although you can't test your level or play using this vehicle, it suggests this is a possible upcoming vehicle. When asked to comment on this, Jim Bonacci, creator of Happy Wheels, had this to say:

"EAT F***ING S***"


[UPDATE: With the release of the Moped Couple, this trick no longer works]

Modus Operandi

Happy Wheels is my favorite game. Nothing puts me more at ease than ejecting from my jet-propelled wheelchair midair and then falling on a landmine which launches half my body across the finish line. It's glorious. The destructible characters, menacing hazards, and thousands of awe-inspiring user-generated levels make it a game worth playing over and over again. If you haven't tried it yet, you should.

This blog will feature tutorial videos for building levels, rumors about upcoming characters, new level items, and any thing else which is relevant and interesting.